Housing Services
New Beginnings Project
The New Beginnings program provides services to 130 formerly homeless families, seniors, and individuals relocated from shelters into permanently affordable housing units. This program is the foundation of our direct involvement in providing services to the homeless population. Our staff provides an array of services, which includes strength-based case management, landlord advocacy, recertification, subsidized housing compliance, medical, mental health, and other related social services to ensure stabilization and permanency within the current home. These services are provided to formerly homeless families, seniors, and individuals so that they develop the ability to maintain permanent housing and have the resources and ability for independent living and self-efficacy.

Supportive Housing
A program that supports and strengthens families, using a strength-based case management approach based on the principles of family/individual development to address each participant’s particular needs. Supportive housing provides services to individuals and families needing housing assistance, Housing advocacy in evictions, housing code violations, landlord/tenant, and tenant/tenant mediation. In addition, provide legal assistance and housing advocacy on behalf of the client should they be denied, rejected/or terminated of the following; housing application forms of HPD/NYCHA section 8, tenancy forms, FHEPS applications, SNAP, DRIE, SCRIE, and rent stabilization forms.

NAICA’s Solutions To End Homelessness Program (STEHP) has two components, including the Homelessness Prevention Services Program and Rapid Re-Housing Services Program. Our Prevention Services Program is able to provide legal representation, housing advocacy, tenant/landlord mediation, and rental assistance to Bronx residents who meet low-income requirements. These families/individuals must be facing an eviction proceeding in Bronx Housing Court and be willing to partake in financial counseling, management sessions, and employment readiness workshops. Ongoing case management services are provided to these families and individuals for up to six months after their housing matter is resolved to maintain housing stability. Our Rapid Re-Housing Services Program provides case management, financial assistance, and housing placement services to families and homeless individuals.